Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Qualitative Research On Scientific Merit Essay - 1694 Words

Qualitative: Scientific Merit Consequently, qualitative research approach emerges from the philosophical belief that truth is socially constructed and subjective to individual experiences associated with critical theory, constructivism, interpretatism, and naturalistic paradigms (Feilzer, 2010; Ponterotto, 2010; Ryan, Coughlan, Cronin, 2007; Scotland, 2012; Venkatesh, Brown, Bala, 2013; Vishnevsky Beanlands, 2004). Paradigms are the philosophical underpinning that guides qualitative research methodology as result evaluating scientific merit slightly differs from the quantitative methodology. As a result, the scientific merit of qualitative lies in the credibility (trustworthiness), dependability (consistency), transferability (applicability), and comfirmability (verification/neutrality) of the data to answer the research question (Ellis Levy, 2009; Horsburgh, 2002; Ponterotto, 2010; Ryan, Coughlan, Cronin, 2007; Vishnevsky Beanlands, 2004). Qualitative research ability to advance the knowledge and contribute and/or develop to theory comes in credibility through clarifying researchers role in the study; purpose/significance of the study; thick and rich descriptions and/or narratives; multiple data sources; audit trail such as member-checking and peer evaluations; research methods; and truthfulness/robustness of finding (Ellis Levy, 2009; Horsburgh, 2002; Ponterotto, 2010; Ryan, Coughlan, Cronin, 2007; Vishnevsky Beanlands, 2004). TransferabilityShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis : Voices From The Group : Violent Women s Experiences Of Intervention1669 Words   |  7 PagesSoraya Sawicki, LCSW Dependability and Credibility in Qualitative Research Dependability and credibility Qualitative approaches to research are approaches that depend on words as the primary source of data, as opposed to numbers. 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